
Created by kadyt 8 years ago
My poem for you

1am I’m writing this thinking of the right words to say,
It’s been four years since I’ve seen you but I thought of you almost every day.

I’ve dreamt about the day I would see you again and you would meet my daughter too,
I know she would have loved you as much as we all do.

You were 14 when I met you precious years we all had together,
I was privileged to have known you and I will remember that forever.

All the good times that we shared I remember them so well,
Like when you rode an armchair down a skateboard ramp and broke your arm as you fell.

You loved to play football or sometimes just joke around instead,
Like when you disturbed a wasps nest and got a sting to the head.

Music was a part of you guitar was your thing,
You loved a good mosh pit and where always the first one in.

You had an awesome sense of humour and could make any day so much fun,
Even just having a few beers and lying in the sun.

And on the special snowy days we would head straight up to denne hill,
Snowball fights for hours until our hands we could no longer feel.

You were genuine, brave, a loved and treasured friend,
We will hold this in our hearts and souls until the very end.

I remember your cheeky smile and how you were so kind,
A friend as beautiful and pure as you I will never find.

You protected us and we had to look out for one another,
Because you were more than a friend to us you were like a brother.

I know that you have left us but it’s never really goodbye,
Because I’ll think about you every night I look into the sky.

And when I look into that sky the brightest star I see,
I like to think that’s you up there watching over me.

And lastly I remember how you cuddles felt what I’d give for just one more,
So when my time is done here ben my friend please meet me at heaven’s door.